Welcome to the OTC Desk FAQ! Here you will find answers to commonly asked questions about OTC (Over-the-Counter) trading desks. Whether you are new to OTC trading or looking to deepen your understanding, this FAQ is designed to provide you with the information you need. Let's dive in and explore the world of OTC desks together.

What are Crypto OTC Desks?

Crypto OTC desks, also known as over-the-counter desks, are platforms where large cryptocurrency transactions are conducted directly between two parties, outside of traditional exchanges. OTC desks provide a way for institutional investors, high-net-worth individuals, and large traders to buy or sell large amounts of cryptocurrencies without causing significant price movements in the market. These transactions are usually done off-exchange and are negotiated privately between the parties involved. OTC desks offer services such as price negotiation, liquidity provision, and personalized support for large trades.

How does an OTC desk work?

An OTC (Over-the-Counter) desk is a platform where traders can buy and sell large amounts of cryptocurrency or other assets directly with a counterparty, rather than through a traditional exchange. OTC desks provide personalized service and allow for large trades without causing significant price movements in the market.

Here's how an OTC desk typically works:

  1. Request for Quote (RFQ): The trader contacts the OTC desk with details of the trade they want to make, such as the amount and type of asset they want to buy or sell.
  2. Quote: The OTC desk provides a quote for the trade, including the price and any fees involved. The quote is usually based on the current market price and the size of the trade.
  3. Negotiation: The trader can negotiate the terms of the trade with the OTC desk, such as the price or the settlement date.
  4. Trade Execution: Once both parties agree on the terms, the trade is executed. The OTC desk facilitates the transfer of assets between the buyer and seller.
  5. Settlement: The OTC desk ensures that the trade is settled according to the agreed terms, which may involve transferring funds or assets between the parties.

Overall, OTC desks provide a convenient and efficient way for traders to execute large trades without impacting the market price.

What is the difference between an OTC and an exchange?

An OTC (Over-the-Counter) desk and an exchange are both platforms where trading of financial assets like cryptocurrencies, stocks, or commodities takes place, but there are some key differences between the two:

  1. **Trading Mechanism**: On an exchange, trading occurs through a centralized platform where buyers and sellers place orders that are matched by the exchange's order book. On the other hand, an OTC desk facilitates trades directly between two parties, often with the help of a broker or intermediary.
  2. **Pricing**: Exchanges typically display real-time market prices based on supply and demand dynamics. OTC desks, on the other hand, may offer negotiated prices that can differ from the prevailing market rates.
  3. **Volume**: Exchanges are generally more suitable for retail traders and investors looking to trade smaller amounts of assets. OTC desks cater to institutional investors and high-net-worth individuals who often trade large volumes that may not be easily accommodated on an exchange without impacting the market price.
  4. **Anonymity**: OTC desks can offer a higher level of privacy and anonymity compared to exchanges, as trades are conducted directly between parties and may not be visible on a public order book.
  5. **Regulation**: Exchanges are typically subject to regulatory oversight and must comply with rules and regulations set by financial authorities. OTC desks may operate in a less regulated environment, although this can vary depending on the jurisdiction.

In summary, while both OTC desks and exchanges provide platforms for trading financial assets, the key differences lie in the trading mechanism, pricing structure, volume of trades, level of anonymity, and regulatory environment.

Why Are OTC Desks Important in Crypto?

Over-the-counter (OTC) desks are important in the crypto industry for several reasons:

  1. Liquidity: OTC desks provide a way for large traders, institutional investors, and high-net-worth individuals to buy or sell large amounts of cryptocurrency without causing significant price fluctuations in the market. This helps maintain liquidity and stability in the market.
  2. Privacy: OTC desks offer a more private and discreet way to trade cryptocurrencies compared to traditional exchanges. This can be important for individuals or institutions looking to make large trades without revealing their trading strategies or positions to the public.
  3. Price efficiency: OTC desks often offer competitive pricing for large trades, as they can leverage their network of liquidity providers to source the best prices for their clients. This can result in better execution prices for large trades compared to trading on public exchanges.
  4. Regulatory compliance: OTC desks typically operate under regulatory frameworks and compliance standards, which can provide a level of security and trust for traders looking to engage in large cryptocurrency transactions.

Overall, OTC desks play a crucial role in the crypto ecosystem by providing a secure, efficient, and private way for large traders to buy and sell cryptocurrencies in bulk.

Does OTC affect the price?

In the world of cryptocurrency, over-the-counter (OTC) trading can indeed have an impact on prices. OTC trading involves the direct exchange of digital assets between two parties, outside of traditional exchanges. Since OTC trades are typically conducted in large volumes, they can sometimes influence the market price of a particular cryptocurrency. OTC trading can also provide liquidity and help stabilize prices, especially for less liquid assets. It's important to consider OTC trading activity when analyzing price movements in the crypto market.

Pros and Cons of Using OTC Desks in Crypto?

Using over-the-counter (OTC) desks in the crypto market has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here are some pros and cons to consider:


  1. Liquidity: OTC desks provide access to large amounts of cryptocurrency, allowing for quicker and easier transactions without impacting the market price.
  2. Price Negotiation: OTC desks often offer the opportunity to negotiate prices, which can be beneficial for both buyers and sellers.
  3. Privacy: OTC transactions can offer more privacy compared to trading on public exchanges, as they are not visible to the general public.
  4. Reduced Slippage: OTC desks can help reduce slippage, which is the difference between the expected price of a trade and the actual price at which the trade is executed.


  1. Higher Fees: OTC desks may charge higher fees compared to traditional exchanges, which can eat into your profits.
  2. Counterparty Risk: There is a risk of dealing with untrustworthy or fraudulent counterparties when using OTC desks, so it's important to conduct thorough due diligence.
  3. Limited Regulation: OTC markets are less regulated than traditional exchanges, which can expose users to potential risks such as market manipulation.
  4. Lack of Transparency: OTC transactions are not always transparent, making it difficult to verify the fairness of the trade.

It's important to weigh these pros and cons carefully and consider your specific needs and risk tolerance before using OTC desks in the crypto market.

Why you should talk to the specialist of GlobalPayGate before selecting your OTC desk partner?

When selecting an over-the-counter (OTC) desk partner for your financial transactions, it is important to consult with specialists from GlobalPayGate for several reasons:

  1. Expertise: The specialists at GlobalPayGate have in-depth knowledge and expertise in the field of OTC trading and financial services. They can provide valuable insights and guidance to help you make informed decisions when choosing an OTC desk partner.
  2. Industry Insights: GlobalPayGate specialists have a deep understanding of the market trends, regulations, and best practices in the OTC trading industry. By consulting with them, you can gain valuable industry insights that can help you select the most suitable OTC desk partner for your specific needs.
  3. Customized Solutions: GlobalPayGate specialists can assess your unique requirements and provide customized solutions tailored to your business goals and preferences. They can help you identify the OTC desk partner that aligns with your objectives and offers the services you need.
  4. Risk Management: OTC trading involves certain risks, and it is crucial to have a risk management strategy in place. GlobalPayGate specialists can help you evaluate the risk factors associated with different OTC desk partners and assist you in selecting a partner that prioritizes risk management and compliance.
  5. Network and Connections: GlobalPayGate specialists have a vast network of industry contacts and connections. By consulting with them, you may gain access to a wider range of OTC desk partners and opportunities that you may not have been aware of otherwise.

In conclusion, talking to the specialists at GlobalPayGate before selecting your OTC desk partner can provide you with valuable insights, expertise, and guidance to make an informed decision that aligns with your business objectives and risk management needs.

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